Meine Eltern - My Parents
Ein Film von Benedikt Fischer
Born 1964 in Freiburg im Breisgau - not far away from France and Switzerland. Abitur (school leaving examination) in Bonn 1983. Master's degree (M.A.) of communication science and philosophy in Munich 1987. Meanwhile working as an instructor and teaching how to make short video films. Co-author of video documentaries and first release of own short films. Various practical trainings at german television ARD and production companies - also as a camera assistent, sound recordist and video editor. Educated as journalist, reporter and (commissioning) editor for television and radio 1991/92 at Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich. 1993 moving to Frankfurt and working for Hessischer Rundfunk, german television ARD - department Television Politics And Society - as an independent author, commissioning editor and filmmaker until now. Also working as a Jury-Coordinator for TV-Documentary at the PRIX EUROPA-Festival (2013-?).
Makes tv-magazines, documentaries and documentary reports for german television ARD und regional programmes, mostly dealing with social matters. Loves language, images and imagination, phantasy and its options. Interested in humans and "the story behind the story" and the big question "why?". Because not till then the actual and real story often begins... |
********** Films **********
Portrait einer besonderen Freundschaft
(über Anatol Feid )
(30 Min., HR 1994)
· Nonstop den Häschern in die Hände
Flüchtlingsfamilien vor der Abschiebung
(Co-Autor; 30 Min., HR 1994)
· „Wir sind keine Verräter!“
Deserteure und Kriegsdienstverweigerer im Zweiten Weltkrieg
(30 Min., HR/ARD 1995)
· Fluchtpunkt Frankfurt
Verfolgte Kinder suchen Schutz
(Co-Autor; 30 Min., HR/ARD 1996)
· "...darum sollst Du fröhlich sein"
Zum jüdischen Laubhüttenfest
(15 Min., HR/ARD 1996)
· Angotrip
Das stille Sterben in Angola
(30 Min., HR 1997)
· Planet Deutschland
Flüchtlingskinder und ihre Familien
(Co-Autor; 30 Min., HR 1998)
· Neujahr im September
Zum jüdischen Feiertag Rosh Hashana
(15 Min., HR/ARD 1999)
· Rolli-Greise
Wenn Behinderte alt werden
(30 Min., HR 2001)
Hilfe für ein Koma-Kind
(30 Min., HR 2001)
Viel mehr als bloß ‘ne Zeitung
(30 Min., HR 2003)
· Die Axt Gottes
Auf den Spuren des Heiligen Bonifatius
(30 Min., HR 2004)
· Mit Bibel und Parteibuch
Wenn Pfarrer Politik machen
(30 Min., HR 2005)
· Das Geheimnis von Taizé
(30 Min., HR/ARD 2007)
· My Parents (Meine Eltern)
(30 Min., HR/ARD 2009)
• Die Ehre meiner Eltern
(30 Min., HR 2009)
• Was darf William kosten?
Vom Kampf eines Rollstuhlfahrers
(30 Min., HR/ARD 2011)
* Robert-Geisendörfer-Preis 2008
(National Media Prize of the German Protestant Church)
* Katholischer Medienpreis 2008
(National Media Prize of the German Catholic Church)
(Nominated for European Media Award
- Cat. TV Documentary)
* SIGNIS/WACC European TV-Festival
(1st Prize / Best Programme 2007-2010)
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